Deep Sky portfolio - Cooled camera ZWO ASI1600

Thumbnail Placeholder

Cygnus Loop mosaic (NGC 6990 and NGC 6992) / H-HOO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 / G75 : Ha=10h50, OIII=11h20 exposure time

Lunette 600/80 mm on Sirius EQ-G mount / Flattener corrector

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Guide refractor with camera ZWO ASI290MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Pleiades star cluster (M45) / L-RGB

Filters : Bin1x1 / G75 : L=3h30 ; Bin2x2 / G150 : R=30mn, G=30mn, B=30mn exposure time

Lunette 600/80 mm on Sirius EQ-G mount / Flattener corrector

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Guide refractor with camera ZWO ASI290MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

Elephant's Trunk Nebula (IC1396) / H-SHO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 / G75 : Ha=8h30 ; Bin2x2 / G150 : OIII=1h, SII=1h30 exposure time

Télescope Newton 200/1000 mm sur monture Sirius EQ-G / Correcteur de coma

Caméra monochrome ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidage : Diviseur optique avec caméra ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Prétraitement avec Siril / Sirilic

Traitement avec Photoshop - Post-traitement avec Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) / LH-HRVB

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 : L:8h06mn , Ha=8h ; Bin2x2 : R:1h36mn, G:1h36mn, B:1h36mn

Lunette 600/80 mm on Sirius EQ-G mount / Flattener corrector

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Guide refractor with camera ZWO ASI290MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Western Veil Nebula (NGC 6990) / H-HOO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 / G75 : Ha=5h45, OIII=6h25 exposure time

Lunette 600/80 mm on Sirius EQ-G mount / Flattener corrector

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Guide refractor with camera ZWO ASI290MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

Elephant Trunk Nebula (IC1396) / H-SHO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha:9h36', Bin2x2 OIII:1h20mn and SII:1h20mn exposure time

Lunette 600/80 mm on Sirius EQ-G mount / Flattener corrector

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Guide refractor with camera ZWO ASI290MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

Eastern Veil Nebula (NGC 6992) / H-HOO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha:5h08mn and OIII:4h54mn exposure time

Lunette 600/80 mm on Sirius EQ-G mount / Flattener corrector

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Guide refractor with camera ZWO ASI290MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The heart of Butterfly Nebula (IC1318) / Ha-SHO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha=6h24 ; Bin2x2 OIII=4h36 et SII=5h32 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Omega Nebula (M17) / Ha-SHO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha=3h18 ; Bin2x2 OIII=1h30 and SII=1h51 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Triangulum Galaxy (M33) / LH-HRVB

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 CLS=8h30 and Ha=7h56 ; Bin2x2 R=2h39 , V=2h24 et B=2h51 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Helix Nebula (NGC 7293) / Ha-HOO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha=3h52 and OIII=2h56 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) / Ha-HOO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha=3h44 and OIII=3h28 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Dumbbell Nebula (M27) / Ha-HOO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha=2h52 et OIII=2h44 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) / Ha-SHO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha=3h44 and OIII=3h28 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Dumbbell Nebula (M27) / Ha-SHO

6nm narrow band filters : Bin1x1 Ha=2h52 et OIII=2h44 exposure time

Monochrome camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, GS Server

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

Bode Galaxy (M81) and Cigar Galaxy (M82) (L-RGB)

2h42mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, EQASCOM

Filters : Bin1x1 L:2h42mn, Bin2x2 R:21mn, G:30mn, B:27mm - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Eagle Nebula (Ha-SHO)

5h48mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C to -20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 Ha:3h42; Bin2x2 OIII:1h03mn , SII:1h09mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

Leo Triplet galaxies (M65, M66 & NGC3628) (L-RGB)

2h36mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, EQASCOM

Filters : L:2h36mn, Bin2x2 R:21mn, G:30mn, B:18mm - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

M106 Galaxy (L-RGB)

5h24mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Guidance : Optical divider or "off-axis guide" with camera ZWO ASI174MM mini - PHD2, EQASCOM

Filters : Bin1x1 L:5h24mn, Bin2x2 R:1h45mn, G:1h30mn, B:1h39mm - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Pinwheel galaxy - M101 (L-RGB)

8h06mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 L:5h12mn; Bin2x2 R:57mn, G:57mn, B:57mm - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Whirlpool Galaxy - M51 (L-RGB)

7h exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 L:4h06mn; Bin2x2 R:60mn, G:57mn, B:63mm - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Cygnus Wall (North America Nebula - NGC7000) (Ha-SHO)

6h40mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C to -20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 Ha:4h56; Bin2x2 OIII:52mn, SII:56mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Heart Nebula - IC1805 (Ha-SHO)

4h24mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 Ha:3h28mn ; Bin2x2 OIII:44mn SII:32mn - Flattener corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

Elephant's Trunk Nebula - IC1396 (Ha-SHO) - 200/1000 mm Newton telescop

4h40mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 Ha:2h56 ; Bin2x2 OIII:52mn SII:52mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

Elephant's Trunk Nebula - IC1396 (Ha-SHO) - 600/80 mm refractor

4h24mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 Ha:2h40' ; Bin2x2 OIII:52mn SII:52mn - Flattener corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Andromeda Galaxy (L-RGB)

3h16mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 : L:1h52mn ; Bin2x2 : R:28mn, G:28mn, B:28mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril - Comete alignment with DeepSkyStacker

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules - M13 (L-RGB)

54mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 : L:24mn ; Bin2x2 : R:9mn, G:9mn, B:9mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Triangulum Galaxy - M33 (L-RGB)

3h42mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 : L:1h52mn ; Bin2x2 : R:35mn, G:25mn, B:49mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The great Orion nebula (LHa-HGBO)

5h exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters 6 nm : Bin1x1 : L:20x4mn, Ha:19x8mn ; Bin2x2 : G:5x2mn, B:10x2mn, OIII:9x4mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Horshead (IC434) and Flamme (NGC2024) nebulae (Ha-HOO)

2h42mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters 6 nm : Ha : 16x7mn bin 1x1 ; OIII : 9x3mn30 bin 2x2 - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Horshead (IC434) and Flamme (NGC2024) nebulae (Ha-SHO)

3h06mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters 6 nm - Ha : 16x7mn bin 1x1 ; OIII : 9x3mn30 bin 2x2 ; SII : 5x3mn30 bin 2x2 - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Trifid Nebula - M20 (L-RGB)

4h30mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-15°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 CLS:2h20; Bin2x2 R:38mn, G:38mn, B:38mm - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril / Sirilic

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

Thumbnail Placeholder

The Rosetta nebula in "Hubble" false colors (Ha-SHO)

4h30mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters 6 nm - Ha : 23x8mn bin 1x1 ; OIII : 13x4mn bin 2x2; SII : 9x4mn bin 2x2 - Flattener corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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About this website

The aim of this website is to share photos, technics, materials with feedback from me and from others amateur astronomers.

Version 4.11


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