
Welcome to my site dedicated to astrophotography.

This site is a feedback based on techniques used with my own equipment and borrowed to most other experienced amateur astronomers. It largely presents my photos of deep sky, planets and sky with the description of the different techniques used to achieve them and the associated equipment.

Like many of you, astronomy passionate me since my childhood. The show of eclipses of the Sun and Moon with the visit of the magnificent Hall Bop comet in 1997 amplified this budding passion.

Following a one week internship in astronomy conducted in 2006 at the "Ferme des étoiles" in the Gers state, I gave in to the temptation to acquire a mount and a telescope with the possibility of evolution towards photography then. This learning period in visual, necessary before going to the astrophoto, allowed me to better control the spotting of the constellations and the objects of the deep sky as well as to be familiarized with the adjustment of the material (centering of the polar viewfinder, collimation of the telescope, alignment of the mount, ...)

Then, the period of visual observation has quickly given way to astrophotography because I wanted to keep track of what I saw and, moreover, in color. It is at this point that complications began ...

I started astrophotography in 2009 with a color planetary camera but more seriously since 2011 with a "filter replaced" DSLR camera where I learn and practice techniques from other experienced amateur astronomers present on forums where I contribute also with my rise in skills.

For some time now, I have been taking more and more pictures of nebulae with SHO or Hubble color filters from my new cooled monochrome camera because I find that they bring even more contrast and color with an artistic touch that makes them a little more spectacular. In addition, these filters allow to get rid of a little light pollution. On the other hand, the exposure times are longer and the treatment more difficult.

My home, and therefore my default acquisition site, is located on the outskirts of western Toulouse with light pollution equivalent to an suburban sky. But I am fortunate that my town as well as a few others in the area turn off their public lighting from 23:00 pm to 5:30 am which allows a significant reduction of this pollution.

Feel free to email me for any comments or questions about the different topics covered on this site.

Good visit !

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Last treatments
Presentation of automated acquisitions with NINA
Presentation "Photograph the Milky Way"
Jupiter with Europa and Io - Apparent size view from Earth
Presentation of my astrophoto plateform
The comet Neowise
Elephant's Trunk Nebula taken at different focals
Comet Atlas
Difference in sensitivity between a monochrome sensor and a color sensor
Presentation "From visual to the photo"
The Milky Way shot in the Pyrenees Nationnal Park
The different "faces" of the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae
Newton telescope: need to put a coma corrector
Difference between an "Ha-SHO" and "Ha-RGB" image
"SHO" image : decomposition into 3 spectral bands H-Alpha, OIII et SII
The image processing procedures
The power of image processing
The different faces of Mars
Evolution of the Saturn' rings inclination
Speed of rotation of Jupiter
Full colored moon and lunar craters
Solar tasks
Video "time lapse" of super Moon eclipse 2015
Video "time lapse" on effect of Earth rotation on the stars
Usefulness of achieving flats just after snapshots
Light pollution effect in astrophotography
Supermoon Lunar Eclipse from 28/09/2015

Last treatments with monochrome sensor ZWO ASI1600 MM Pro

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The Lagoon Nebula (M8) / H-SHO

6nm narrow band filters 6 nm : Bin1x1 / G75 : Ha=5h52 ; Bin2x2 / G150 : OIII=48mn, SII=32mn exposure time

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

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The Pelican Nebula (IC5070 ) / H-SHO

6nm narrow band filters 6 nm : Bin1x1 / G75 : Ha=9h12 ; Bin2x2 / G150 : OIII=48mn, SII=46mn exposure time

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Coma corrector

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Perseus Double Cluster (NGC884) / L-RGB

Filters : Bin1x1 / G75 : L=2h36 ; Bin2x2 / G150 : R=23mn, G=23mn, B=23mn exposure time

Lunette 600/80 mm on Sirius EQ-G mount / Flattener corrector

Last treatments with color sensor ZWO ASI290 MC

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Jupiter - 2022/09/11

333 stacked images - 62 fps - 3 mn video

Barlow APM 3x ED comacorr - Atmo Dispersion Corrector

200/1000 Newton telescop on Sirius EQ-G mount

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Saturn - 2022/09/11

566 stacked images - 47 fps - 5 mn video

Barlow APM 3x ED comacorr - Atmo Dispersion Corrector

200/1000 Newton telescop on Sirius EQ-G mount

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Saturn - 2021/08/25

861 stacked images - 47 fps - 5 mn video

Barlow APM 3x ED comacorr - Atmo Dispersion Corrector

200/1000 Newton telescop on Sirius EQ-G mount

Last treatments with color sensor DSLR Canon EOS 450D filter removed

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Comet Neowise of 2020/07/21 (L-RVB / 200 mm)

30mn exposure time at 800 iso

EOS 450D filter removed + Obj Canon 200mm f5.6 on Star Adventurer Mini

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Comet Neowise of 2020/07/19 (RVB / 55mm)

6s exposure time at 800 iso

EOS 450D filter removed + Obj Obj Canon 200mm f5.6 on tripod

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The Horshead (IC434) and Flamme (NGC2024) nebulae (Ha-RVB)

3h36mn exposure time at 800 iso

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

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The Rosetta nebula in "Hubble" false colors (Ha-SHO)

7h exposure time at 800 iso

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

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Recent Work

Presentation of automated acquisitions with NINA available in the "Technique" section" : Ici

Automation "Reversal at the meridian"

Automation "Set the focus point"

Presentation "Photograph the Milky Way" available in the "Technique" section" : Ici

Setting up the mount

Taking snapshots: Milky Way

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Work history

Time lapse of Jupiter with moons Europa and Io - Apparent size of Jupiter and Saturn view from Earth

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Time lapse of Jupiter with moons Europa and Io - 2021/08/21

Time lapse 1h (20 x 3mn) - 425 stacked images (80 fps)

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Jupiter and Saturn - 2021/08/25

Jupiter : 475 stacked images - 88 fps - 3 mn video

Saturn : 861 stacked images - 47 fps - 6 mn video

Barlow APM 3x ED comacorr - Atmo Dispersion Corrector

200/1000 Newton telescop on Sirius EQ-G mount

Color camera ZWO ASI290MC with IR Cut filter

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Presentation of my astrophoto plateform available in the "Technique" section : Here

Functionnal diagram

Example of acquisition plan session with tracking and focus monitoring with N.I.N.A. tool

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Elephant's Trunk Nebula taken at different focals : 200/1000 mm Newton telescop (F/D=4.9) and 600/80 mm refractor (F/D=7.5)

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IC1396 (Ha-SHO) - 200/1000 mm Newton telescop

Filters : Bin1x1 / G75 : Ha=8h30 ; Bin2x2 / G150 : OIII=1h, SII=1h30 - Coma corrector

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

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IC1396 (Ha-SHO) - 600/80 mm refractor

Filters : Bin1x1 Ha:9h36', Bin2x2 OIII:1h20mn and SII:1h20mn - Flattener corrector

IC1396 (Ha-SHO) - 600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

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Comet Atlas (C/2019 Y4) taken on 2020/03/28

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Time lapse of Atlas comete - C/2019 Y4 (L-RGB)

3h36mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

images #1 to #14 and #35 to #46 = luminance at 360s exposure time ; images #15 to #34 : RGB filters at 180s exposure time

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 : L:26x6mn ; Bin2x2 : R:6x3mn G:7x3mn, B:7x3mn - Coma corrector

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Atlas comete - C/2019 Y4 (L-RGB)

2h12mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters : Bin1x1 : L:12x6mn ; Bin2x2 : R:6x3mn G:7x3mn, B:7x3mn - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril - Comete alignment with DeepSkyStacker

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Difference in sensitivity between a monochrome sensor and a color sensor with the Rosetta nebula (Ha-SHO) : ZWO ASI1600 cooled camera against DSLR Canon 450D filter removed

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ZWO ASI1600 cooled camera : total exposure time of 3h04mn with luminance layer

Capture totale de 4h30mn d'exposition / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filtres 6 nm - Ha : 23x8mn bin 1x1 ; OIII : 13x4mn bin 2x2; SII : 9x4mn bin 2x2 - Aplanisseur de champ

Prétraitement avec Siril

Traitement avec Photoshop - Post-traitement avec Lightroom

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DSLR Canon 450D filter removed : total exposure time of 2h48mn with luminance layer (16mn less than monochrome sensor)

4h30mn exposure time / Gain=75 / Offset=15 / T=-20°C

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI1600MM Pro

Filters 6 nm - Ha : 23x8mn bin 1x1 ; OIII : 13x4mn bin 2x2; SII : 9x4mn bin 2x2 - Flattener corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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Presentation "From visual to the photo" available in the "Technique" section : Here

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Visual observation : accessories

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Astrophotography : sensors and filters

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The Milky Way shot in the Pyrenees Nationnal Park

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Milky Way at Gaube lake (1730 m)

Composition of 2 pictures taken on 2019/08/05: foreground at sunset + Milky Way early in the night (3mn/800iso)

EOS 450D filter removed + Obj Samyang 14mm f2.8 on Star Adventurer Mini

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Shooting star with Milky Way at Lutour valley (1400 m)

Composition of 2 pictures taken on 2019/08/08: foreground at sunset + Milky Way early in the night (2mn/800iso)

EOS 450D filter removed + Obj Samyang 14mm f2.8 on Star Adventurer Mini

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Time lapse of Milky Way at Lutour valley (1400 m)

Composition of 81 pictures of 2mn exposure at 800 iso taken on 2019/08/08 before moonset

EOS 450D filter removed + Obj Samyang 14mm f2.8 on Star Adventurer Mini

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Time lapse of Milky Way at Gaube lake (1730 m)

Composition of 50 pictures of 90s exposure at 800 iso taken on 2019/08/05

EOS 450D filter removed + Obj Samyang 14mm f2.8 on Star Adventurer Mini

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The different "faces" of the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae (L-RGB, Ha-RGB et Ha-SHO)

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L-RGB : 44mn exposure time at 800 iso

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filter : CLS-CCD

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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Ha-RGB : 3h08mn exposure time at 800 iso

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filters : 24 x 360s with H-Alpha 12 nm and 11 x 240s with CLS-CCD

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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Ha-SHO : 4h42mn exposure time at 800 iso

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filters : 24 x 360s with H-alpha 12 nm; 18 x 360s with OIII 12 nm; 5 x 360s with SII 12 nm

Preprocessing with Siril

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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The Triangulum Galaxy taken with a Newton telescope: need to put a coma corrector to correct the deformation of the stars near the edge of the field due to the primary parabolic mirror

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The Triangulum Galaxy - M33 (L-RGB)

1h15 exposure time at 800 iso (Tournefeuille, France)

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

CLS-CCD filter - Coma corrector

Preprocessing with Siril

Traitement avec Photoshop - Post-traitement avec Lightroom

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Superimposition of 2 images of M33 with and without coma corrector: uncorrected stars near the edge of the field are elongated while corrected ones remain round

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

CLS-CCD filter - with/without Coma corrector (Test with model Baader Planetarium MPCC Mark III)

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Difference between an "Ha-SHO" and "Ha-RGB" image of the America Nebula

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Hubble false-color image (Ha-SHO) of the America Nebula - NGC 7000

5h exposure time at 800 iso (Tournefeuille, France)

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filters : Ha : 18x7mn; OIII : 13x7mn; SII : 12x7mn

Preprocessing with IRIS (Christian Buil software)

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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True Color Image (Ha-RGB) of the America Nebula - NGC 7000

4h exposure time at 800 iso (Tournefeuille, France)

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filter : Ha : 18x7mn; CLS : 22x5mn

Preprocessing with IRIS (Christian Buil software)

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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The America nebula decomposed into 3 spectral bands: H-Alpha (656 nm), OIII (501 nm) and SII (672 nm) It is these 3 filters which make it possible to create an image in "Hubble" false colors or "SHO"

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H-Alpha : Pretreatment (logiciel IRIS)

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filter H-Alpha 12 nm

18 snapshots at 7 mn of exposure at 800 iso

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OIII : Pretreatment (logiciel IRIS)

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filter OIII 12 nm

13 snapshots at 7 mn of exposure at 800 iso

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SII : Pretreatment (logiciel IRIS)

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount / EOS 450D filter removed

Filter SII 12 nm

12 snapshots at 7 mn of exposure at 800 iso

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The image processing procedures are available in the "Technique" section : The pretreatment procedure et The image processing procedures

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Stretching step : sampling points, clipping layers (curves and levels), filters and fusion masks, scripts, histogram, ...

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The synthetic luminance used for the "L-RGB" step

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The power of image processing : exemple with the Helix nebula that shows the difference between raw snapshot and the processed image

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RAW snapshot of Helix Nebula - NGC 7293 (09/2015)

RAW snapshot at 4’ exposure time / 800 iso

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount – 450D EOS filter removed

CLS filter (due to light pollution conditions)

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The Helix Nebula (L-RGB with synthetic luminance) - NGC 7293 (09/2015)

1h48 exposure time at 800 iso (Tournefeuille, France)

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount – 450D EOS filter removed

CLS filter (due to light pollution conditions)

Preprocessing with IRIS (Christian Buil software)

Image processing with Photoshop - Final touch with Lightroom

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The different faces of Mars

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Mars (04/2014)

Color camera TIS DFK 41 - Barlow lens 5x

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

270 best snapshots stacked of 9000

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Mars - 2020/09/04

860 stacked images of 17200 (95 fps) with Firecapture

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI290MC

Barlow APM 3x ED comacorr with ADC

Preprocessing with AutoStackkert

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Evolution of the Saturn' rings inclination linked to the heliocentric position of the Earth from the planet: it takes 15 years approximately to see a complete tilting between the 2 hemispheres.

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Saturne (09/04/2010)

Color camera TIS DFK 41 - Barlow lens 5x

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

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Inclination of the rings over a year (2021/08/26 and 2022/09/11)

2 pictures video - 500 stacked images - 50 fps

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI290MC

Barlow APM 3x ED comacorr - Atmospheric dispersion corrector

Preprocessing with AutoStackkert

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Jupiter in the company of the moon Ganymede and speed of rotation over 45mn time laps video (Very fast rotation of the planet in 9h55mn )

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Jupiter (Time lapse) - 2022/09/11

Exposure time : 22 x 3 mn

Newton telescop 200/1000 on Sirius EQ-G mount / Camera ZWO ASI290MC

Barlow APM 3x ED comacorr - Atmospheric dispersion corrector

Preprocessing with AutoStackkert

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Jupiter with Ganymed moon (Dec 2011)

270 best snapshots stacked of 2700

Color camera TIS DFK 41 - Barlow lens 5x

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

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Full colored moon and lunar craters

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Full colored moon (May 2011)

Color camera TIS DFK 41 - Barlow lens 2x

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

6 pictures mosaique - 6 x 150 best snapshots stacked of 3000

Pre-processed in AutoStakkert! - Processed in Photoshop and LightRoom

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Tycho lunar crater (Nov 2014)

Camera PLB-Mx - Barlow lens 3x

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

350 best snapshots stacked of 7000

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Solar tasks

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Solar task (27/09/2014)

B & W PLB-Mx camera - Barlow lens 2x - Solar filter

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount

250 best snapshots stacked of 5000

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Super solar task (Oct 2014)

PLB-Mx camera on a 600/80 mm refractor with a solar filter

1000 best snapshots stacked of 10000

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2 videos "time lapse": super moon eclipse 2015 and effect of Earth rotation on the stars

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Video "time lapse" showing the evolution of the light of the super moon eclipse of 28/09/2015

EOS 450D filter removed + coma corrector

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

73 snapshots at 400 iso / 1 s exposure time

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Video "time lapse" showing the effect of Earth rotation on the stars

EOS 450D - Obj Samyang 14mm f2.8 - CLS filter on tripod

329 snapshots at 400 iso / 60 s exposure time

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Usefulness of achieving flats just after snapshots : gradient of light intensity is more uniform in the picture and the dust has disappeared

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Preprocessing of the master flat from 12 flats made in the same conditions of focus and iso than object's snapshots (IRIS software)

Snapshot : 1/6 s exposure at 800 iso

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Preprocessing of 6 snapshots without flat with IRIS software

EOS 450D filter removed + CLS filter

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount

Snapshot from Feb 5, 2016 - 5 mn exposure at 800 iso

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Preprocessing of 6 snapshots with flat with IRIS software

EOS 450D filter removed + CLS filter

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount

Snapshot from Feb 5, 2016 - 5 mn exposure at 800 iso

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Light pollution effect in astrophotography : the resulting gradient in the image is impossible to remove completely during treatment

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Significant light pollution effect (CLS filter used, urban agglomeration site)

Just after ignition of local public lighting (~ 5.30 am)

EOS 450D filter removed + CLS filter

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount

Raw snapshot from Feb 5, 2016 - 5 mn exposure at 800 iso

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Moderate light pollution effect (CLS filter used, urban agglomeration site)

Just before ignition of local public lighting (~ 5.30 am)

EOS 450D filter removed + CLS filter

600/80 mm refractor on Sirius EQ-G mount

Raw snapshot taken Feb 5, 2016 - 5 mn exposure at 800 iso

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Supermoon Lunar Eclipse from 28/09/2015

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Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015 - Mosaic

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Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015 (Untreated colors)

EOS 450D filter removed + coma corrector

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

Snapshot of Sept 28, 2015 - 1 s exposure at 400 iso

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Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015 (Untreated colors)

EOS 450D filter removed + coma corrector

200/1000 Newton on Sirius EQ-G mount

Snapshot of Sept 28, 2015 - 1 s exposure at 400 iso

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Update history

25/02/22 : Addition of new photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

24/04/13 : Addition of new photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

23/01/04 : Addition of presentation of automated acquisitions with NINA available in the "Technique" section

                 Addition of presentation "Photograph the Milky Way" available in the "Technique" section

22/10/24 : Addition of new photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" and "Planetary" section)

22/02/01 : Addition of new photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" and "Planetary" section)

                 Update of my astrophoto plateform available in the "Technique" section

                 update of the "Materials" section

21/05/16 : Addition of new photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

21/04/11 : Update of "Presentation of my astrophoto plateform" available in the "Technique" section

21/01/16 : Addition of new photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" and "Planetary" section)

20/09/06 : Addition of Comet Neowise photos in the Gallery ("Comets" section)

                 Important update of the "Materials" section

20/07/17 : Addition of Jupiter and Saturn photos and also a "time lapse" of Jupiter in the Gallery ("Planetary" section)

20/05/10 : Addition of the Heart Nebula - IC1805 (Ha-SHO) photo in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

                 Addition of the Elephant's Trunk Nebula - IC1396 (Ha-SHO) taken at different focals in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

                 Addition of links to the sections of the main page

20/04/20 : Addition of the Andromeda galaxy - M31 (L-RGB) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

20/04/07 : Addition of the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules - M13 (L-RGB) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

20/04/04 : Addition of the Comet Atlas (C/2019 Y4) - L-RGB in the Gallery ("Comete" section)

20/03/25 : Addition of the Triangulum Galaxy photo (L-RGB) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

20/03/22 : Addition of the Great Orion nebula photo in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

                 Addition of the difference in sensitivity between a monochrome sensor and a color sensor

20/03/20 : Addition of the Horsehead and Rosetta nebulae photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

20/03/11 : Addition of focuser material in the "Materials" section

20/03/07 : Addition of Rosetta nebula photo (Ha-SHO) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

20/01/22 : Addition of Eagle nebula photo (Ha-SHO) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

19/12/01 : New presentation "From visual to the photo" available in the "Technique" section

19/09/30 : Addition of the Horsehead and Rosetta nebulae photos in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

                 Addition of new Milky Way photos taken in the Pyrenees mountains in the Gallery ("Sky" section)

                 Important update of the "Materials" section

                 Update of the "Links" section

19/01/22 : Addition of the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae photos (L-RGB, Ha-RGB et Ha-SHO) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

                 Update of the "Materials" section

                 Update of the "Links" section

18/11/18 : Addition of Milky Way photos in the Gallery ("Sky" section)

18/11/02 : Addition of the Triangulum Galaxy with effect of the coma corrector in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

18/05/22 : Addition of America nebula photos split into 3 spectral bands (Ha, OIII and SII)

18/03/25 : Addition of America nebula photos (Ha-SHO and Ha-RGB) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

17/12/11 : Addition of image processing procedures in the "Techniques" section

17/10/22 : Addition of image preprocessing procedure in the "Techniques" section

17/06/25 : Addition of Helix nebula photo (L-RGB) in the Gallery ("Deep sky" section)

17/03/04 : Addition of Mars photos in the Gallery ("Planetary" section)

17/02/04 : Addition of Saturn photos in the Gallery ("Planetary" section)

17/02/03 : Addition of Jupiter photos in the Gallery ("Planetary" section)

17/01/24 : Addition of Moon photos in the Gallery ("Planetary" section)

17/01/07 : Addition of Solar tasks photos in the Gallery ("Planetary" section)

16/12/29 : Addition of photos and a "time lapse" video showing the effect of Earth rotation on the stars in the Gallery ("Sky" section)

                 Addition of a "time lapse" video showing the evolution of the light during the eclipse of super moon of 2015 in the Gallery ("Eclipses / Eclipse of super Moon 2015" section)

16/10/15 : Addition of a presentation on my astrophoto platform in the "Techniques" section

16/10/07 : Addition of a presentation on the observation in astronomy in the "Techniques" section

16/10/02 : Addition of a fun topic to identify constellations in the "Techniques" section

                 Addition of photos of the lunar eclipse of 2011, June in the Gallery ("Eclipses" section)

                 Addition of photos of the lunar eclipse of 2015, September in the Gallery ("Eclipses" section)

                 Automatic positioning of the language based on browser settings

16/08/11 : Addition of 3 photos showing the usefulness of achieving flats just after snapshots.

                 Addition of 2 photos in the "To process - Page 4" : The "Fireworks Galaxy with an open cluster" in CLS filter and the "Heart Nebula" in H-Alpha filter

                 Addition of an update history.

16/06/21 : An RSS feed has been set up to keep you informed of the latest updates. You can subscribe with your favorite software by clicking on the dedicated icon at bottom of this page.

16/06/19 : Opening of the website.

                 Addition of 3 photos of the super moon eclipse, one showing the total phase and an other showing a mosaic of several phases.

                 Addition of 2 photos showing well the effect of light pollution in astrophoto before and after the ignition of local public lighting with the same conditions shooting.

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About this website

The aim of this website is to share photos, technics, materials with feedback from me and from others amateur astronomers.

Version 4.12


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